Closing Date: 9th July, 2024


A day in the life:
Administers the Court Improvement Program grant, which is utilized to improve safety, permanency, and well-being outcomes for children and families involved in Children in Need of Services (CHINS) and Termination of Parental Rights (TPR) court proceedings. Provides staff support for several judicial and multi-branch interdisciplinary governmental committees, assisting with meeting agendas, preparing materials, logistics, and strategic planning. Oversees grant projects to sub-grantees, implements, and oversees statewide projects. Performs legal research and drafts documents as needed. Responsibilities include but not limited to:
  • Prepare federal grant application, budget, strategic plans, and annual program assessment report.
  • Promote, review, and award sub-grants to local courts for court improvement projects. This includes but is not limited to, updating grant application and report forms, promoting the availability of grant funds, encouraging judicial officers to apply for grant funds, assisting judicial offers and court staff with the preparation of grant applications (as requested), assisting grantees in adequately understanding and meeting the federal requirements concerning matching grant funds, reviewing grant applications, scheduling grant review meetings and submitting grant award recommendations.
  • Promote and process CIP Professional Development Scholarships awarded to judicial officers with juvenile court jurisdiction to attend child welfare-related conferences/meetings and/or membership in child welfare-related professional organizations.
  • Oversee and provide support to grantees who receive court improvement grants including reviewing financial and narrative reports and making recommendations for improvement in programming and court processes.
  • Provide staff support for the Child Welfare Improvement Committee. This includes scheduling meetings, preparing meeting agendas and minutes, and giving presentations.
  • Develop educational topics, contact speakers, and prepare training curriculum for multi-disciplinary cross-training for judicial officers and staff, child welfare agency staff, and other stakeholders.
  • Work with the Trial Court Judges, OJA and IOCS staff, Judicial Conference Committees, Administrative Committees, the Department of Child Services, local courts and court staff, and other agencies on child welfare matters.
  • Collaborate on behalf of the judicial branch with the Department of Child Services on the federal Child and Family Services Reviews (CFSR) and Title IV-E Review and help develop and implement Program Improvement Plans (PIP) needed as a result of the reviews.
  • Work closely with the CIP Data Analyst to review and analyze local court data and recommend state and local projects to address delays in child welfare proceedings.
  • Attending annual CIP meetings.
  • Work closely and collaborate with team members in the Children and Families Division to accomplish the vision and mission of the division.
  • Make legal recommendations and provide legal input on matters related to the child welfare system and CIP legal projects to improve court process in child welfare proceedings
  • Review and analyze changes to federal and state statutes, laws and policies and provide summaries of changes to various child welfare stakeholders
  • Additional duties as assigned.

What You'll Need for Success:
Juris Doctorate from an A.B.A. accredited law school and good standing with the Indiana State Bar.

  • Exercise discretion in handling confidential information and materials
  • Maintain personal and business affairs in a manner that ensures public confidence in the integrity, competence, impartiality, and independence of the judiciary as well as avoid situations that could lead to conflict, or the appearance of conflict

  • Interact with all persons in a respectful manner, maintain business-like appearance, and promote harmony in the workplace
  • Interact with executive branch agencies, federal agencies, and judicial officers in a manner that promotes confidence and respect in the Office of Judicial Administration

  • Communicating effectively and respectfully with team members, supervisors, and staff in other divisions of the Office of Judicial Administration
  • Communicating effectively in writing as appropriate for the needs of the audience

  • Manage assignments to ensure all tasks are completed within deadlines
  • Effectively manage time and prioritization of tasks and projects

Attention to detail:
  • Research, coordinate, and track work in a proficient manner to ensure accuracy

Problem Solving
  • Identify problems and review related information to develop and implement solutions
  • Use deductive reasoning skills to meet several complimentary goals

Critical Thinking
  • Using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions, or approaches to problems

  • Understanding the implications of new information for both current and future problem-solving and decision-making
  • Considering the relative costs and benefits of potential actions to choose the most appropriate one
  • Be willing to take direction from supervisors and make decisions for the greater good of the agency
  • Engaging in collaborative decision-making with team members and supervisors that is consistent with the vision of the agency

Information Gathering
  • Analyze data and information from multiple databases to complete clear and concise reports

Technology and Tool Usage
  • Learn and adapt to new technologies within the Microsoft Suite as well as Supreme Court systems