
Litigation Lawyers is a mid-sized defense litigation firm dedicated to providing individualized, high-quality legal services to insurance companies and their insureds in a wide variety of litigation and coverage matters. We are currently looking for attorneys with 5+ years' experience in appellate law.

Preferred Qualifications:
  • Practice law fulltime for at least 5 years as an active member of the State Bar of Texas;
  • At least 3 years of Civil Appellate Law experience, with a yearly minimum of 25% substantial involvement in procedure and substantive law as related to appellate proceedings;
  • Handled at least 8-15 Civil Appellate cases that meet substantive requirements;
  • Qualified vetted references from judges and lawyers in the area;
  • Complete 60 hours of TBLS approved continuing legal education in Civil Appellate Law;
  • Meet all of the TBLS Standards for Attorney Certification

We are looking for an appellate lawyers who can:
  • Spot critical legal issues in a case
  • Identifying claims and defenses
  • Develop a trial strategy
  • Helping to establish the case's theme, which will carry through later on appeal
  • Separating issues that may qualify for motion practice or other pre-trial resolution
  • Developing and updating case summaries throughout the trial
  • Assisting with opening arguments; direct and cross-examination preparations; exhibit lists and proffers; closing arguments, jury instructions, and other trial submissions
  • Preserving the record with an eye towards legal issues for appeal
  • Assessing and advising on the likelihood of appellate success
  • Formulating the narrative of the appeal brief
  • Researching and writing the appeal brief
  • Appeals to the Court of Appeals and Supreme Court.
  • Writs of Mandamus and Prohibition: In some instances a trial court judge might make a ruling that requires immediate action or defense in the appellate court.
  • Pretrial Motions: the firm offers guidance to trial lawyer at the early stages of litigation.
  • Jury Charge Preparation.
  • Motions for new trial and other Post-Trial Motions: After jury returns a verdict, the firm assists with the preparation of new trial motions and other post-trial motions as well as presenting these motions before the judge.

The primary focus of our practice is litigation and trial work on behalf of businesses, insurance companies, medical professionals, and those in transportation and healthcare industries. Candidates must have excellent academic credentials and strong written and verbal communication skills.