
An Online Loan Shopping and Application Process Company, backed by An Online Loan Shopping and Application Process Company®, means more opportunities for you to carve your own career path forward. From our desire to revolutionize the way people get mortgages to addressing challenges big or small with outside-the-box solutions, we're not your typical employer. We'll provide you with everything you need to make sure you're successful here.

Apply today to join a team that offers career growth, amazing benefits and the chance to work with leading industry professionals.

Minimum Qualifications:
Juris Doctor (JD) degree

Preferred Qualifications:
  • 3 years of legal experience.
  • Legal and regulatory compliance experience for mortgage origination and servicing activities.

Job Summary:
As an Associate Counsel, you'll work as part of the Legal team on matters involving many types of law and compliance, with a specific focus on legal and regulatory compliance for mortgage origination and servicing activities.

  • Draft and prepare legal research documents
  • Research and advise on policies, procedures, statutes and regulations
  • Negotiate settlements and other transactions
  • Work with vendors and business partners to provide guidance and resolve compliance issues