
The Legal Counsel (Director), Global Trade Controls is responsible for providing international trade controls/compliance legal guidance to A Distributor of Electronic Components Company:
  • Serve as GTC subject matter expert to other attorneys and business leaders within the company.
  • Perform analysis of U.S. and foreign GTC related laws, conduct internal investigations and due diligence, coordinate government investigations, make disclosures to the government, draft contract provisions and analyze business development opportunities.
  • Work with other GTC Directors (regional) to further develop, enhance and implement A Distributor of Electronic Components Company's world class global trade controls program consistent with applicable legal requirements.
  • Assist A Distributor of Electronic Components Company's VP, Compliance & Legal Operations, with day-to-day management of A Distributor of Electronic Components Company's global GTC program and team.
  • Support assigned ethics & compliance cases and investigations.

  • Minimum of 5 years of experience in global trade controls/compliance (export controls, sanctions, restrictive trade practices, customs/import compliance).
  • Juris Doctor, plus a Bachelor's degree in business or related field required.
  • Prior experience at a multi-national company or top law-firm focusing on international trade.
  • Typically 10+ years including 5+ years of management experience

  • Knowledge of import/export laws and regulations, including but not limited to EAR, ITAR, OFAC, Customs and corresponding laws and regulations in other countries, particularly Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan and EU.
  • Familiarity with competitive models for export/import operations inside and outside the U.S. (i.e. bonded warehouse and free trade zone operations, customs clearance, special trade programs (Maquiladoras, import/export processing arrangements such as IMMEX), and oversight of freight forwarders, customs brokers, shipping companies, and other third parties from a compliance and risk management perspective.
  • Demonstrated success executing compliance initiatives and implementing compliance controls in complex and challenging business/legal environments.
  • Demonstrated adherence to high standards of integrity, professional conduct, and judgment.

  • Capable of interpreting legal requirements and translating them into pragmatic business guidance.
  • Ability to prioritize and manage numerous matters simultaneously with minimal direction, with focus on urgency required in responding to potential non-compliant situations.
  • Strong image and presence with the ability to inspire confidence from management.
  • Superior interpersonal and communication skills.
  • Bias toward action and execution.