Closing Date: 15th July, 2024


General Job Information
Job Summary:
Located in the nation's capital, The Office of the Attorney General (OAG) is the chief legal office of the District of Columbia. OAG enforces the District's laws, works to protect and defend D.C. residents, and provides the highest level of independent legal advice and guidance to District of Columbia government agencies. This position is located in the Family Services Division within the Child Protection Section Office.

The Family Services Division works on behalf of the District's most vulnerable citizens—abused and neglected children. The Division has five Child Protection Sections. The attorneys in these sections handle all child abuse and neglect litigation on behalf of the District's Child and Family Services Agency, from the initiation of a case through finding a child a permanent placement. Division attorneys also advise Child and Family Services social workers and staff members on compliance with local and federal law. Family Services Division attorneys and staff also advise and assist a variety of family focused agencies and services in the D.C. area.

Duties and Responsibilities:
Attorneys in the Child Protection Sections represent the District of Columbia on behalf of the Child and Family Services Agency (“CFSA”) in an attorney-client relationship in child abuse and neglect cases in the Family Court of the D.C. Superior Court. There are five Child Protection Sections and attorneys in these sections handle all aspects of child neglect litigation on behalf of the District and CFSA, from petitioning through the achievement of permanency. Attorneys are responsible for petitioning new cases alleging child abuse or neglect, propounding and/or responding to discovery, filing and/or responding to pre-trial motions, participating in mediation, preparing witnesses to testify at trial, and presenting evidence at trial.

The attorneys also represent CFSA post-adjudication with the goal of ultimately securing a safe and permanent home for children through reunification, adoption, or guardianship. In the post-adjudication phase of a neglect case, attorneys are responsible for representing CFSA at review of disposition, status, and permanency hearings, participating in evidentiary hearings, filing motions and responsive pleadings. In addition, the attorneys provide advice and counsel to social workers and other professionals from CFSA regarding compliance with local and federal law, participate in team meetings as necessary, and work with various multi-disciplinary team members. Attorneys simultaneously maintain a trial caseload and post-adjudication caseload.

Qualifications and Education:
A demonstrated commitment to work in the area of child welfare is required. The successful candidate must have a law degree and be a member of the District of Columbia Bar or eligible for waiver into bar.